My World...Take Two
::I am The current mood of at

      ( 23:20 )  

Here I Am. I feel off and I don't know why. I've been hovering on the edge of tears for too many months now. I'm hurting and I don't feel like hiding it anymore.

It's not Ron. It never has been. Praise God for giving me a man who desires to be my strength, who wants to hold me up when I'm weak, who lets me be weak with him when I'm too scared to show it to anybody else. No, it's not Ron.

I'm doing that alone, hold everyone else at arms length thing again and I'm tired of it. It takes too much energy to keep all my barriers intact and I'm at a point in my life where energy is limited at best.

I don't have any reserves left: Emotional, physical, financial...spiritual. I'm at my breaking point. Past it, really. I feel stripped, exhausted, bone tired. I don't feel enough and I don't know if I care.

And I don't know why I started this entry at 11pm when I have to be up early tomorrow and I know I feel awful when I don't get enough sleep. Oh right, I promised to post and I finally screwed up what energy-courage I had to lay myself bare on the page.

I'm in that transition place again. You think I'd be used to it by now. But I'm not.

Where do I go from here? Where do I go from here?

Song Of The Evening: Quiet (John Mayer)

lock all the doors
and turn out the lights
feels like the end of the world
this Sunday night

there's not a sound
outside the snow's coming down
and somehow I can't seem to find
the quiet inside my mind

the space in this room
has turned on me
and all my fears have cornered me here
me and my TV screen

the volume's down
blue lights are dancing around
and still, I can't seem to find
the quiet inside my mind

daylight is climbing the walls
cars start and feet walk the halls
the world awakes and now I am safe
at least by the light of day


      ( 09:12 )  

Update Later. I promise. I've finally figured out (some of) what's going on in my head.


      ( 17:43 )  

Update. I'm still alive. Still attempting to post and erasing. Lots of stuff going on here. A friend of mine (and Pip's sister) is engaged, getting married (in TX) in June and I'm in the wedding. I'm trying to hold steady in the midst of a lot of other junk going on right now. It's not always easy and not really worth it; I should learn to let go. The VSB is slowly breaking me of my habit of refusing to ask for help. No, self-reliance isn't always a good thing. And thank God that the VSB is patient even when frustrated. Anyway. I'm done for now.


      ( 23:56 )  

Song Of The Moment: Seasons Of Love (from Rent)

five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure? measure a year

in daylights,
in sunsets,
in midnights,
in cups of coffee,
in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

in five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in a life?

how about love?
how about love?
how about love?
measure in love...
seasons of love...
seasons of love...

(female soloist)
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
five hundred twenty five thousand journeys to plan
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure the life of a woman or a man

(male soloist)
in truths that she learned
or in times that she cried
in bridges he burned
or the way that she died

its time now to sing out though
the story never ends
let's celebrate remember a year in a life
of friends

remember the love...
(oh you gotta remember the love)
remember the love...
(oh yeah, its a gift from up above)
remember the love...
(sing out, give out, measure your life
in looooooove...!!!)
seasons of love...
seasons of love...

I'm still working on a "real" post, but I think this says a lot of what I'm thinking right now.



"She has future plans and dreams at night and when they say life is hard, she says that's all right." ("Wild One", Faith Hill)

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